You have to copy the whole (broken) link, post it into your browser's window,
and then patch up the break. Then it works OK.
John Tongue
On 10/05/2013, at 4:19 PM, Greg Roberts wrote:
> A bit off-topic, bit I know how birders like a good crocodile yarn. A large
> saltwater crocodile has taken up residence in the Mary River in south-east
> Queensland, well south of its normal range. I went to look for it in my
> kayak, successfully.
> Here is the story, which embraces historical accounts of crocodile
> encounters in this region:
> <
> rocodile.html >
> Following a discussion I initiated on birding-aus earlier today about the
> problem of long URL links being cut in birding-aus posts, I have followed
> the advice of Peter Shute in putting angle brackets around the URL. Let's
> see what happens.
> Greg Roberts
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