Hi all, The long drive to Cape Naturaliste today proved well worthwhile for Dan
Mantle and I, with an excellent seawatch netting 12 tubenose species, plus some
skuas. Highlights were 3 SOOTY SHEARWATER, a rarely recorded bird in WA, and a
good number of prions - though species was undeterminable, those that came
close enough were all Antarctic/Salvin's type. A Wandering Albatross was also a
highlight, and following on from 4 separate South Polar Skuas on the Albany
pelagics, another dark skua with a pale nape and promising jizz was also seen -
unfortunately it did not provide good enough views for conclusive ID Full
list:Wandering Albatross [sp] (1)Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross
(12+)Black-browed Albatross (1 young bird)Shy Albatross (5)Southern
Giant-Petrel (2)Northern Giant-Petrel (3)Giant-Petrel sp. (5)Cape Petrel
(2)Great-winged Petrel (5)PRION sp. (40+ - those that came close enough were
Antarctic-type)Flesh-footed Shearwater (80+)SOOTY SHEARWATER (3)Hutton's
Shearwater (
2)Brown Skua (2)Jaeger sp. (1 - prob Arctic)Australasian Gannet (35+) Many
thanks to Dan for doing the driving for this one, and an excellent result
following on from the Albany pelagics (reports still on the way when I get time
:D) Cheers,John
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