Hello, All,
I am a long time stalker on this list, but have not yet contributed.
I am not a twitcher by any stretch of the imagination, but have always
loved all birds and pay pretty close attention to them.
This list is a wonderful resource, and I must say in passing THANK YOU to
Russ and all contributors for everything I have learnt from y'all.
I often wonder if a sighting would be of interest to the list or not, but
have never gotten around to posting. Is it of interest to the list that
there are white-browed babblers (and double-barred finches and diamond
firetails) on the Gundaroo common, for example? Or that my local magpie
family have developed a taste for pistachio nuts and I saw one manipulating
the nut with it's foot?
This morning I saw dozens of ibis in the field on the Eastern side of the
Barton Hwy as you enter Murrumbateman from Canberra (prob. 60-100 birds in
total). What caught my eye was that half of them were straw-necked ibis,
which I haven't seen in the district before. It struck me that some
Canberra-ites might like to take a short drive to check 'em out.
Thanks again for this great resource,
Matt Meischke, Gundaroo.
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