Oops. Thankfully the truth came out quickly but likely that will be harder
to get through. It mostly got me in, mainly because I wondered why is it
such poor filming if it is a fake? Then again I didn't think of students
deliberately making it that way. I thought if I was making a hoax, I would
do it better to make it look clearer. Then on looking again, the circling
bird doesn't really look like an Aquila. That didn't register on first look
(one commenter thinks it is modelled on an Osprey but that isn't right).
The part that clearly is fake that no one else has mentioned is the sound of
the Red-tailed Hawk dubbed on. There are vast number of fools who think
every bit of film of every predatory bird needs a sound of (what I believe
to be) the Red-tailed Hawk, dubbed on. We get the same whistling screech on
every movie from the northern hemisphere with a raptor on it (and even some
Australian films) just like the Tawny Owl and Ravens from Europe........
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