
Birds on BoM Doppler wind radar?

Subject: Birds on BoM Doppler wind radar?
From: Paul Taylor <>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 01:42:02 +1100
On 14/12/2012 11:05 AM, Luke Shelley wrote:
There was an interesting anomaly on the the Bureau's Doppler Wind radar
yesterday afternoon in Melbourne. At around 15:19 you will notice a blue
streak originating in Lilydale and moving towards Melbourne, disappearing
at 16:07.

Could this be bird/bat movements?
Hi Luke,

I suspected this was a radar artifact (would birds fly directly at the radar - and
into an approaching storm?), so asked about it on the Weatherzone forums;
here's what "zathras" had to say about the Melbourne radar loop:

/The weatherchaser link has serious issues, but from your description is sounds
like a////feature we have noticed at times.//
//It is most probably a reflection from the CBD buildings looking back behind the
radar site,////picking up a strong cell 180 degrees opposed to the nominal
observation direction.//
//Check the ranges of cells out west plus the range to the city.//
//The doppler velocity would likewise look displaced./

I hope that helps.


   Paul Taylor                                  Veni, vidi, tici -
                           I came, I saw, I ticked.


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