Saturday 1st December 2012
OBSERVERS: Scott Baker, Tim Bawden, Paul Brooks, Dean Ingwersen,
Annette Hatten, Michael Kerns, Jim Snedon, Mark Stanley, Els
Wakefield, Andrew Walter & Rohan Clarke (organiser and report compiler).
WEATHER: Patchy cloud in the morning clearing at around 1000. Bright
full sun (and a bit glary) for the rest of the day. Windy ? A 15 knot
north-westerly through much of the morning, moving more westerly by
midday and increasing to 30 knots on the return leg. Occasional gusts
to 35 knots with a little wind whipped spray by the time we reached
Pirates Bay.
SEA: A mild sea with moderate (following) swell on the way out meant
conditions were pretty comfortable ? despite the forecast wind. At the
shelf there was a 1.5 to 2 m swell (short interval) with moderate sea
(1 to 1.5 m) ? the ride at this point was still remarkably good. On
the return leg the conditions deteriorated with 2 to 2.5 m messy sea
on a 1 to 2 m swell ? we suffered a slow rough ride home. Inshore, and
especially when in the lee of the cliffs of Tasman Peninsula sea
conditions were again mild despite the wind. Relatively little spray
on the way out, just the occasional small splash when at the berley
points, but much spray on the return leg.
ACTIVITY: Departed Pirates Bay Wharf at 0720 ESST. Headed south east
out of Pirates Bay to Hippolytes before heading in a more easterly
direction to the shelf and beyond. Many birds in offshore waters
though diversity was a little low. We crossed the shelf break (100
fathoms) at 0920 and almost immediately detected a Mottled Petrel so
stopped for a drift and berley session over 200 fathoms at 43º05.71?S
148º13.77?E. After an hour we moved to a second berley location at
43º07.88?S 148º14.73?E over 200 fathoms. From here we drifted a mile
or so east to be over 490 fathoms by midday. We then moved back inside
the shelf break to an area that had held huge numbers of shearwaters
in the AM for a final berley session at 43º06.61?S 148º10.41?E over 81
fathoms. Started heading in at 1305 with a short detour at the
entrance to Pirates Bay for a whale sighting. Disembarked at ~1520.
Australian Fur Seals 25 on the Hippolytes.
NZ Fur Seal ? 1 probable on the Hippolytes.
SOUTHERN RIGHT WHALE ? A single adult gave great views (and swam under
the boat) at the entrance to Pirates Bay in the PM.
BIRDS: 22 species beyond the entrance to Pirates Bay is fairly low
count for a Tasmanian pelagic. Highlights were the many White-chinned
Petrels and Sooty Shearwaters. Good records included Mottled,
Soft-plumaged and Providence Petrel but unfortunately none of these
birds made close or repeated approaches.
White-faced Storm-Petrel: 2 together at the second berley point
Wandering Albatross: 5 on plumage/3 together at one time. All pelagic.
All appeared consistent with gibsoni.
Black-browed Albatross: nominate - 1 immature in pelagic waters.
impavida ? 7 (4). 1 adult offshore, remainder pelagic. 6 adults (in
total), 1 immature. Also 2 juveniles that could not be identified to
Shy Albatross: 130 (50). All cauta. 13 inshore, 18 offshore, remainder
pelagic. Mostly adult but at least 2 immature birds at berley points.
Southern Giant Petrel: 1 juvenile near the Hipploytes (offshore) in the AM.
Fairy Prion: 4 (1). 3 pelagic, 1 offshore.
Short-tailed Shearwater: ~10,000 (1000). Mostly offshore as several
dense bands of rapidly moving birds, but many birds passing us at each
berley point.
Sooty Shearwater: ~60 (20). Mostly pelagic but at least 20 in offshore
waters - a high count for a Tassie pelagic.
Hutton?s Shearwater: 3 (1) around the first berley point.
Common Diving Petrel: 1 offshore in the AM.
White-chinned Petrel: 45 (20). 25 pelagic 20 offshore in the PM.
Great-winged Petrel: 3 (2). All gouldi. All pelagic.
PROVIDENCE PETREL: 1 briefly at the second berley point.
?cookilaria? petrel: 1 in the berley trail at the second berley point
was seen briefly by a few but unfortunately ?got away?.
SOFT-PLUMAGED PETREL: 1 in offshore waters on the return leg was seen
poorly by just a few.
MOTTLED PETREL: 1 at the first berley point was seen by most but only
briefly as it departed.
Little Penguin: 4 (4) in offshore waters.
Australasian Gannet: 10 (3). 3 pelagic, remainder inshore. Also 115 on
the Hippolytes.
Black-faced Cormorant: 32 (10). All inshore plus 120 ashore on the
Crested Tern: 3 (2). All adults, all offshore.
Kelp Gull: 10 inshore in the AM and at least 25 at the Hippolytes.
Pacific Gull: 1 2nd year bird near the Hiploytes and another adult at
the Hipploytes.
Silver Gull: 7 inshore and 200+ around the Hippolytes.
On the Hippolytes there were also 2 White-faced Herons, a Forest Raven
and 2 Welcome Swallows. Finally in the PM whilst in offshore waters
over 80 fathoms a flock of 12 Red-necked Stints flew past low to the
Rohan Clarke
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