Hi all.
Went to Griffith last weekend for a school reunion. Managed to spend
some time at Pulletop Reserve north of Griffith. Apart from some common
mallee birds there were 50+ Black Honeyeaters. I noticed that the
Eremophila was in flower. I remember that John Hobbs said once that if
there are flowering Eremophilas there will be Black Honeyeaters. When I
lived in Griffith in the 60s there was a drought and there were no Black
Honeyeaters there then.
Also almost everywhere we went around Griffith there were Woodswallows,
mostly White-browed with some Masked, about 80:20.
Griffith looks green at the moment and there was some local flooding
with attendant stilts and Marsh Terns at one spot between Pulletop and
On the main canal at Griffith there was a very handsome drake Mallard
chasing Black Ducks unfortunately.
Happy birding.
John Reidy
Phone 02 9871 4836
Fax 02 9871 2616
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