Up to half a billion birds fly over Israel on their spring and autumn
migrations. I very much doubt any fly on to southeast Asia.However, Yossi
Leshem's work in preventing birdstrike is renowned. Since it began, Israel
hasn't lost a single plane (yet alone human life) to this problem. Being such a
small country, Israel really can't afford to (can anyone?); being so small, the
opportunities for disaster are always there. To read about his work, go to
www.birds.org.il and
http://www.aftau.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=15961His use of nestboxes
for owls and kestrels has helped enormously with reducing pesticide use,
something several countries are trialling, too (including Oz). It's not the
first time anyone's tried this but it is the first project to foster peace in
the Middle East using birds. Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian farmers now
share knowledge and collaborate on these projects.That's what he referred to in
the anecdote of owls from Israel and Jordan successful
ly raising chicks.If it was sent to GH for some reason, maybe he could have
explained why. Personally, I'd have given a short report rather than reproduce
the whole thing. Obviously, I'm very interested in Leshem's work and was lucky
enough to hear him on a visit in 2010.
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