Birdline North Queensland
Published sightings for the week ending 27 May 2012.
Sat 26 May
Channel-billed Cuckoo, Scarlet Honeyeater, White-eared Monarch
Townsville Town Common Conservation Park
Channel-billed Cuckoo (2) near start of walk.
Scarlet Honeyeater (1) to the right of the track at the start of the old 'plant trail'.
White-eared Monarch (3) together, all imm. about 1km along service track (recently cleared) that runs between Many Peakes Range and the lagoons
Ed Pierce
Wed 23 May
Square-tailed Kite
Peter St, Mareeba
This is my 3rd sighting of Square-tails in the last 2 weeks. A pair was seen near the Mareeba hospital on the 15th, 1 on the 17th also in Mareeba and 1 today in the Mareeba DERM car park. The photo was taken on the 17th. All sightings were between 10:30 am and 1:00 pm
Enoch Bultreys
Mon 21 May
White-eared Monarch
Cattana Wetlands, Smithfield, Cairns Northern Beaches
Further to Ian Cowan's posting from the birdwalk undertaken by Birdlife NQ, another highlight for the morning was a striking juvenile White-eared Monarch feeding at head-height near the carpark. This species is very uncommon on the Cairns coast, being more commonly seen in the surrounding foothills. Observing the bird so closely & at this very young age was a very exciting experience (photo by Martin Cachard attached).
Also of note was that the Grey Fantail that was reported that morning was a very dark individual of either the local upland race 'keasti' or of the Tasmanian race 'albiscapa' - either of these races would be considerable rarities at this location.
Martin Cachard & the Birdlife NQ participants
Sun 20 May
Southern Cassowary
Wallaman Falls
One adult Southern Cassowary sighted beside the unsealed section of Wallaman Falls Road about 8 kilometres east of the camp ground at mid-day Sunday 20 May 2012. Stayed briefly before wandering into dense forest.
Moderator's Note:- This bird was seen within 3 km of the one which Tony Ashton encountered and reported last week (13/05/2012)
Mandy Compton and family (per Len Ezzy)
Rufous Whistler, Grey Fantail
Cattana Wetlands
2 unusuals among the sightings for the Birdlife outing to Cattana wetlands on Sunday.
Ian Cowan and Birdlife North Queensland members
Fri 18 May
Emerald Dove
Ross River Bush Gardens
Emerald Dove (1) seen on low branch on RHS of track heading west. Flew across to the island. Uncommon in Townsville though may go undetected. A handful of sightings at the Bush Garden since 2001.
Alexandra Canton
| Birdline North Queensland is sponsored by BirdLife Northern Queensland and BirdLife Townsville and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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