Hi All,
Our Marathon Grasswren trip through the arid interior is complete, with many
memorable highlights to report. We succeeded in our primary aim of seeing
all nine targeted Grasswren species, and additional Short-tailed race
pedleri, and managed to see many other arid specialists, including Grey
Falcon, Letter-winged Kite (17 at one location!), Plains Wanderer, Grey
Honeyeater, and Princess Parrot. For those who are interested, we have
provided a lengthy trip report with photos (too long for the Birding-Aus
forum) at <http://www.birdingfordevils.com> www.birdingfordevils.com and it
will appear on johns home page. Whilst we tried to photograph many of the
birds, we are birdwatchers, not photographers, and duly apologies in advance
for the 'proof-of-life' only nature of many bird shots. Hopefully however
they will provide some insight into our experiences.
For anyone requiring additional information on site locations, you are more
than welcome to contact us off-line.
Tim Faulkner, Scott Ryan and John Weigel
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