Birdline ACT
Published sightings for the week ending 13 May 2012.
Sun 13 May
Superb Parrot
Mount Painter
4 Superb Parrots near the Cook horse paddocks - the first I've seen for a while and the first reported to Eremaea for about a month.
Frank Antram
Sat 12 May
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren
Blackys Trail off Uriarra Rd
Close views of a single adult bird among mixed feeding flock in sparse Eucalypt forest with low heathy understory.
Marnix Zwankhuizen
Little Button-quail
Stromlo Forest Park (western end)
Female flushed from hillside amongst Acacia rubida scrub.
Also in MFF, Scarlet Robin, Superb Fairy Wrens, Brown, Striated and Yellow Thornbills, Red-browed Firetails.
John Leonard
Thu 10 May
Spotted Harrier
Hindmarsh Drive
Over grassland south of Hindmarsh Dve between Canberra Ave and Monaro Hwy, 1-45 pm. There have been intermittent reports over the years of the species around that location.
Geoffrey Dabb
Diamond Dove
Mount Painter
Diamond Dove (1) Seen late yesterday and again early this afternoon in the same general area as last week. No rings on its legs.
Alistair & Carmen Drake
Mon 7 May
Satin Bowerbird
Shepherds Lookout
A group of 15 'green' Satin Bowerbirds flew up the gully to the north of Shepherds Lookout, rested in a tree near the road for a short time and then flew north east following Stockdill Drive.
Stephen Wallace
Thu 3 May
Crested Shrike-tit
Diddams Close, Belconnen
One Crested Shrike-tit with small feeding flock of 6 White-plumed HEs and one Grey Shrike-thrush seen last Thurs (3 May). They were foraging in hanging bark of E. bicostata, Blue Gum, on eastern side of Ginninderra peninsula, south of Diddams Close carpark.
The ABR records only 20 CSTs last year, and some of those were in Tinderry where they feed on E. viminalis, Manna Gum, which also has bark ribbons.
Muriel Brookfield
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