Sun 11 Mar
Broad-billed Sandpiper, Spotless Crake
Western Treatment Plant
Broad-billed Sandpiper was in the first pond off Beach Rd. at 12:20pm today. Not many waders in there at the time. He was feeding with a Curlew Sandpiper and a Red-necked Stint. Also seen in the same pond this morning... a Spotless Crake, as well as Banded Stilts, Buff-banded Rail and Spotted Crake.
Photos of all will be up on my flickr photostream later, but included is one I grabbed out of the group of Broad-billed shots.
(Clive I left my little notebook in your vehicle so I could not include your last name in the observers. Please shoot me an email).
R. Bruce Richardson and Clive
Red-backed Kingfisher
Ouyen 10' Cell
Red-backed Kingfisher (4) Seen about 4km south of Ouyen on Calder Highway. Two pairs approximately 500m apart.
Nicole Spillane & Paul Jacobson
Sat 10 Mar
Scarlet Robin
Serendip Sanctuary, Lara
Scarlet Robin (1) Female. Our first record of this species at Serendip.
Paul Dodd & Ruth Woodrow
Broad-billed Sandpiper
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
The bird previously reported by others was found on the first coastal pond inside the Beach Road gate at high tide late in the afternoon. We could not locate it in the morning among the large flocks of waders feeding along the coast at low tide.
Peter & Rhonda Barrand, Chris Connelly
Freckled Duck, Grey Plover
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
4 Freckled Duck seen loafing this morning out on Lake Borrie - 3 males with dull red bill bases, one female. 3 Grey Plover were on the Nth Spit mudflats, but no sign of the Eastern Curlew.
Also a banded immature Peregrine Falcon was seen perched on the solar panel alongside Lake Borrie. Hard to see but black band on right leg, possibly red & green band on left leg.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Gilpin Park, Brunswick West
One Blue-faced Honeyeater being mobbed by Noisy Miners and Magpie-larks so I don't think it will hang around. No visible bands on the legs. Maybe the same as the one reported in Royal Park last year.
Nicole Spillane & Paul Jacobson
Fri 9 Mar
Pink-eared Duck
Lake Hamilton beach, Hamilton
Pink-eared Duck (6) roasting on water’s edge with black duck and wood duck
Samantha Greiner
Caspian Tern
Westgate Freeway
After crawling out of the Tunnel and travelling slowly westbound , noticed a Bird flying alongside the Fwy. much to my surprise , a Caspian Tern , also heading west , one good thing about peak hour traffic!!
Colin Mulvogue
Lewins Rail
Cheetham Wetlands Altona
Observed feeding along north bank , ran for cover when trucks rolled past ( Earthworks being carried out in wetlands , nearby ) This is same site as reported last year by Peter Shute , 100 mts downstream of Ford . also seen Banded Stilts , Red Neck Avocets Greenshanks and Shelduck.
Colin Mulvogue
Thu 8 Mar
Powerful Owl
Fairhope (12 km N of Bairnsdale)
Powerful Owl heard calling between rain storms about 11 pm. First time we have heard one for quite some time.
Chris Healey
Rufous Fantail, Satin Flycatcher, White-throated Needletail
Bunyip State Park
Rufous Fantail - 1 seen 2 others heard, quite late for this species to still be here. Along Diamond Ck, Bunyip SP
Satin Flycatcher - 3 female/juv type birds, Along Diamond Ck. Also getting late for this species.
White-throated Needletail (45) in two groups along Camp Rd.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Hooded Plover
Sorrento Back Beach
Approx 17 Hooded Plovers including two juveniles sighted feeding on rocky shoreline about 500 metres down the beach from the Sorrento Back Beach lookout (towards Portsea). Sat and observed quite closely.
Andrew Williams
White-throated Needletail
Over 500 birds seen in a large flock spiraling and circling over the house around 5pm.
Michael Ramsey
Broad-billed Sandpiper, Spotted Harrier
Western Treatment Plant
Broad-billed Sandpiper located feeding in a coastal pond inside Beach Rd gate this morning, as previously reported by John Barkla. Nice Sub-adult Spotted Harrier also seen cruising over paddocks along Beach Rd.
Glen Crothers and David Richardson
Silvereyes, Crested Shrike-tit
Wilson Reserve, Ivanhoe, Vic.
This afternoon all the Silver Wattles throughout Wilson Reserve seemed to be swarming with dark-flanked Silvereyes - of the type I associate with winter sightings. All were busily feeding among the foliage at all heights. With them were moderate numbers of Grey Fantails and Brown Thornbills. I believe this to have been an autumn migrant flock. I made no attempt to count them but they were everywhere. Also this afternoon, a pair of Crested Shrike-tits were feeding in Red Gums and wattles, by the ditch between sports-fields and Reedy Billabong. This species used to be moderately common hereabouts, but is now seldom seen. Also present, a single male Golden Whistler and three or four grey Golden Whistlers. (Moderators note: A few recent reports to Birdline indicate autumn migration and dispersal has begun for some species so look out for them and their movements over the next few weeks).
Anthea Fleming
Black Falcon, Brown Falcon ,Black Shouldered Kite
Truganina Reserve, Altona Meadows
Black Falcon flushed from perch in woodland on the edge of salt marsh. First sighting of this bird here. Was unmistakeable as it flew straight in front of me. I was in awe! Also spotted 2 Brown Falcon and 2 juvenille Black-shouldered Kites screeching loudly with 1 adult nearby at the edge of the Laverton Creek..
Raoul Symons
Wed 7 Mar
Banded Stilt
Lake Victoria, Pt Lonsdale
400+ Banded Stilt feeding on Lake Victoria late afternoon.
Ian Smissen
Hoary-headed and Great Crested Grebe
Lake Victoria, Point Lonsdale
An uncommon flock of birds currently in Lake Victoria made up of 280+ hoary-headed grebes, 16+ great crested grebes, 6 musk duck and in excess of 50 little pied cormorants. While all these birds are usually seen such numbers, particularly in a comparatively small area, is most unusual.
Rod Corinaldi
Tue 6 Mar
Flame Robin
Norman Beach, Wilsons Promontory NP
Two Flame Robins, brown birds, moving along the top of the beach at the base of the dune. Had they just arrived from Tasmania?
Val Ford
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren
Surprisingly few birds around at this site yesterday, particularly honeyeaters. Eventually some good birds were seen, including Chestnut-rumped Heathwren, Speckled Warbler, Diamond Firetail & Hooded Robin.
Brian Johnston
Flame Robin
Major Plains
A female bird crossed the Dookie-Devenish Rd and flew into a small vineyard nearby. Quite an early record for autumn migration. I would usually expect to see birds at the end of March or early April in the northern lowlands.
Michael Ramsey
Caspian Tern
Lake Bael Bael and Cullens Lake
10 at L Bael Bael and 6 at Cullens Lake. Observed closely at Cullens Lake working the south and east part of the lake, dipping and diving.
Malcolm Cousland
Gang Gang Cockatoo
A big flock of Gang Gangs flew into large Gum , about 1km north of township. Birds had been feeding on Hawthorn Berries judging by their appearance , Easily 40 to 45 birds , biggest flock I've seen.
Colin Mulvogue
Mon 5 Mar
Topknot Pigeon
7 Topknot Pigeons were observed circling overhead before roosting in the canopy of a Southern Mahogany gum nearby. Extended views of this bedraggled flock occurred over the next half hour as they struggled to remain sheltered against driving wind and rain.
Len and Jacquie Axen
Great Crested Grebe(1), Intermediate Egret(2)
Braeside Park
Single G C Grebe seen lake , in the Southeast corner of the Park. Looked to be a Juvenile bird with the crest starting to appear. Other birds at the site were 2 Intermediate Egrets, got close views and photos, have a single in the general area on several occasions since January.
Colin Mulvogue
Cape Barren Goose
Clyde Road Cranbourne North
Single bird seen about 50metres from Clyde/Berwick Road . grazing with 20 odd Wood Duck , This is near the Cascades Estate Linsell Blvd. approx. 2kms South of Berwick Springs.
Colin Mulvogue
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo
Westgate Park
During our regular monthly survey we saw a single Shining Bronze-Cuckoo, which was very willing to be photographed. This is the first record we have of this species in the park. [Moderator note; fairly late record as most depart Victoria during February]
Andrew McCutcheon, Christine Shelley
Sun 4 Mar
Sanderling, Ruddy Turnstones
Killarney Beach, Killarney
Around a dozen Sanderling in amongst the rocks. Also seen were 3 Sooty Oystercatchers, 2 Australian Pied Oystercatchers, 4 Ruddy Turnstones and what looked like a Fluttering Shearwater flying along the beach, a single Pacific Gull and 2 White fronted Chat. (photographed).
Alison Nisbett
Black Falcon
Austin Rd Lagoons, Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Unfortunately car broke down adjacent to Austin Rd Lagoons. Whilst I was waiting had a Black Falcon fly across. Not rare these days for Werribee, but it's actions were of great interest. It kept low down & firstly decided to swoop a White Ibis, sticking it's claws out, as it went. Then it had a go at a Masked Lapwing, amid a small group of lapwings, it then went for a shelduck, punching above it's weight I would think, then a White-faced Heron! It finally flew up to a group of Little Ravens sitting in a small bush & had a go at one of them! It was quite aggressive & stuck out it's talons to each bird, without success with every one! I think it must have been stooging, I find it hard to believe a Black Falcon could knock off any of the above species, but it sure gave it a try. Also Wedge-tailed Eagle, Spotted Harrier, Brown Goshawk, Brown Falcon, Whistling Kite, Black-shouldered Kite & Swamp Harrier were all seen while I was waiting for the RACV.
Kevin Bartram
Sat 25 Feb
Hooded Plover, Sanderling
Killarney Beach
Hooded Plover, 2 adults on basalt rock islands off the beach & 2 immature birds on a nearby sandy headland with Sanderling & Red-capped Plovers.
Samantha Greiner
Tue 21 Feb
Black-eared Cuckoo
Winton Wetlands
One bird seen in gums near the duck pond.
Kathy Costello per Michael Ramsey