BirdLife Southern Queensland Conservation Conference Saturday 24 March
Papers will provide information about recent bird research and
conservation projects in Southern Queensland. They include a workshop:
Introduction to recording bird songs by Tony Baylis, Australian Sound
Recording Group.
Presentations include
An overview of the role of the Department of Environment and
Resource Management in threatened bird conservation in Queensland by Ian
Gynther, Threatened Species, Department of Environment and Resource
An update on Geolocator tracking of Grey-tailed Tattler migration
by the Queensland Wader Study Group by Jon Coleman, Queensland Wader
Study Group
Artificial nesting boxes - the common approach by Andrew McLeod,
Nest Boxes Australia
Trends in monthly occurrence of birds at the northern edge of the
Big Scrub NSW over the past 33 years by Sandy Gilmore, Bush Heritage
Acoustic Sensing: Roles and Applications for Monitoring Avian
Biodiversity by Jason Wimmer, Queensland University of Technology
Using Eremaea Birds to site select birding opportunities by Dez
Wells, BirdLife Southern Queensland
Bird Tourism in Southern Queensland by Ronda Green, Araucaria Ecotours
Registrations due 16 March - form and more details:
*Grahame Rogers**| Deputy Convenor Birds Australia Southern Queensland*
44 Emu Creek Road, Crows Nest, Qld 4355
www.birdsaustralia.com.au <http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au/> |
www.birdata.com.au <http://www.birdata.com.au/> |
www.birdsinbackyards.net <http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/>
ABN: 87 004 076 475 | Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union
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