
Juvenile Koel call

To: "Roger Giller" <>, <>
Subject: Juvenile Koel call
From: Carol Probets <>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 16:48:12 +1100
Hi Roger and all,

Yes, this has also been a familiar sound around most of the Blue Mountains townships lately.
I imagine it acts as a stimulus for the host parents to feed it. 
Interestingly, juvenile Red Wattlebirds also have a short call which 
is repeated every few seconds for long periods. Of course, 
wattlebirds are common hosts for the Koel.


At 10:17 AM +1100 7/3/12, Roger Giller wrote:
For the past 3 days there has been a juvenile Koel in or nearby our
backyard. It spends most of its time unseen but calling from deep inside a
fruiting Lilli Pilli next door. On one occasion it was sitting in plain view
on a Cocos Palm branch/frond but not feeding on the ripe fruit. On two
occasions it has been heard, then observed, sitting inside our lime tree.

My attention was drawn by its call, a single note "chrpp" repeated at
approximately 5 second intervals for long periods, 10 or 15 minutes. Does
anyone know the purpose of this call? At no time have I seen any sign of
interaction with another bird, either a host parent or another Koel.




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