G'day all I got my first record for this season yesterday morning in Julatten
of this gorgeous species. A single bird flew across the front of my car giving
a fleeting view. I was at the time checking on Paradise-Kingfisher nest mounds
used last season & I was half expecting to see an early arrival. Given that
they have already been reported from Daintree Village 2 days ago, it is now not
surprising that at least one bird has now arrived in the Julatten area. This is
a similar arrival time to last year, when they also arrived earlier than the
norm. Later in the day, I spent an enjoyable couple of hours at Lake Mitchell
turning up some very good birds. Some highlights were 3 Cotton Pygmy-Goose, 4
adult White-winged Trillers, 1 Glossy Ibis, a few Pallid Cuckoos, & a single
Peregrine Falcon on a late afternoon patrol coming out of the low sun in
typical falcon fashion. A very nice day's birding... Cheers for now Martin
CachardCairns0428 782 808
> From:
> To:
> Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 02:06:46 +0000
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfishers
> Hi All,
> Just returned from a morning's birding near Daintree Village, and with the
> advice of Trish and Andrew from Red Mill House, were able to pick up what I
> understand are the first paradise-kingfishers for the season. They had been
> heard yesterday morning but were first seen today.
> Regards and good birding!
> Nick Leseberg
> Tropical Birding
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