Hi Chris That is a fantastic image of a legit Broad-billed Sandpiper - great
stuff ! They are a lovely sandpiper I reckon. Usually at the Cairms Esplan we
get between 3 to 5 birds here arriving about this time of year. It's good to
know that at least one has turned up here already! We used to get between 5-10
birds here yearly as recently as 5 years ago, but now it's usually less than a
handfull. Cheers Martin CachardCairns0428 782 808
> Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 13:29:02 +1000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Migratory shorebirds, North QLD.
> Hi all,
> Apologies for the lateness of these reports, I've been busy with field work
> and without internet for days. I was in Cairns for the Australasian
> Ornithological Conference last week (which was amazing!), and on Sunday 2nd
> October used my last day in Cairns to visit the Esplanade. There were some
> nice shorebirds there, including a single Broad-billed Sandpiper (this time
> I promise it's legit!). A photo can be seen here:
> http://birdo.wildiaries.com/trips/10758.
> I also recently passed through Pentland, west of Charter's Towers, and
> stopped by the wetland there (for those who don't know it, it's a big
> wetland just at the back of the town, to the north of the highway). Along
> with loads of Cotton Pygmy-geese, there was a Marsh Sandpiper, 4 Latham's
> Snipe, and a Wood Sandpiper in the western corner of the wetland.
> Cheers,
> Chris Sanderson
> --
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