
Birdline North Queensland Weekly Update

Subject: Birdline North Queensland Weekly Update
Date: 4 Jul 2011 01:30:24 +1000

Birdline North Queensland

Published sightings for the week ending 3 Jul 2011.

Thu 30 Jun Beach Stone-curlew Ross River mouth, Townsville
Beach Stone-curlew 1 bird seen at 4PM on mudflats adjacent to new port development, north of the dog exercise area. Irregular visitor to Ross River mouth, more usually seen on the eastern side. Cool, blustery and overcast conditions.
Alexandra Canton

Orange-footed Scrubfowl Currajong (Townsville)
Orange-footed Scrubfowl (1) Feeding in a well-vegetated and still wet easement running from Grosvenor Street.
Niel Bruce

Wed 29 Jun White-headed Pigeon Coral Sea Park, Cardwell
Flock of 20 flew past the park heading south at about 1230. Cyclone damage to forest still quite severe but fruit must be becoming available.
Greg Bortolussi

Sun 26 Jun Spotless Crake Lake Moondarra
Spotless Crake - about 6 individuals within grass at edge of lake, which is further west in Qld than Morecombe 2nd ed. has them. Also Spinifexbird, Pictorella Mannikin, Spinifex Pigeon and Painted Firetail in bush around lake.
James Dickson

Golden Bowerbird Paluma Village
Golden Bowerbird (1) One female foraging through the residential garden vegetation from No. 10 to No. 14 Smith Crescent. 13 observers. Very unusual to see in the Township of Paluma. First spotted by Janet Robino. ID Photo by Peter Valentine.
Janet Robino (et al TRBOC outing) per Len and Chris Ezzy

Tue 14 Jun Northern Giant Petrel Moore Reef
The bird was sighted on a large pontoon at Moore Reef, which is 25 nautical miles east of Cairns. It arrived last week and wasn't flying. We fed it pilchards, and then it would disappear for the day. When I returned on Sunday it had become very aggressive and was attacking children, probably because management decided they didn't want the bird around so stopped feeding it. The bird was last seen on 20th June. [Ed note: it is likely this is the first confirmed record of this species this far north.]
nick balsdon

Birdline North Queensland is sponsored by Birds Australia North Queensland and Townsville Region Bird Observers Club and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.


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