Birdline Northern Territory
Published sightings for the week ending 19 Jun 2011.
Sat 18 Jun
Spotless Crake
Alice Springs Waste Stabilisation Ponds
Spotless Crake (1) EP7a. Southern edge. Darted out to forage twice for extended periods. Good views of red legs, eye, barred undertail.
Jeanie Burrell
Red-capped Plover
Long Reef Marine Reserve
A single bird was seen foraging late this afternoon amongst the Double-banded Plovers and Red-necked Stints.
Mark Young
Wed 15 Jun
Australian Bustard
Kunoth Bore
Male on main road opposite windmills, seen later south of the dam. Also crimson chats, black-breasted buzzards and a spotted harrier
Tim Bawden
Mon 13 Jun
Cinnamon Quail-thrush
Ernest Giles Road at 24 34 28 S 132 48 1 E
Cinnamon Quail-thrush (4) 2 pairs seen in the rocky hills beside the road just before the Palmer River crossing, probably more in the area as quite vocal
Tim Bawden
Thu 9 Jun
Bourke's Parrot
Ross Highway at 23°38'21'S 134°17'20'E
Pair on side of road in open area close to Trephina Gorge turn off
Tim Bawden
| Birdline Northern Territory is sponsored by Eremaea Birds and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds. ===============================
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