Yes I am getting old; of course it is La Nina and not El Nino.
Thanks Mike Carter for waking me up. I well remember measuring and
weighing swiftlet nestlings six days a week throughout the dry heat
of the 1986/7 El Nino season at Chillagoe. It was so dry that some
of the nests came unstuck and fell off the cave roof and parent s got
so little food that many nestlings died.
G'day bird enthusiasts
The only time in my Swift records (1940-2010) when Western
Australia reported more FTS than Central Australia (NT & SA) or
Eastern Australia was the 1955/6 season, which was an La Nina year
that brought much of WA its highest rainfall ever. (
More recently - like this month we had an La Nina event that
brought huge amounts of rain to Toowoomba, Brisbane, North coastal
NSW, and Neville Schrader reported 50+ FTS flying very fast and
very directly to the North over Parkes the day before Toowoomba had
its downpour. Neville suggests that they were heading for this event.
I am wondering if any of you have observations that would support
or contradict the concept that FTS are attracted to heavy rainfall
Looking forward to your ideas and your evidence.
Cheers & Happy birding
Michael Tarburton
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