Yes - just reinforces the message that you should NEVER respond to or click
any links in emails whether from charities, banks or whatever. If it appears
to come from your bank or a charity you want to support then enter their URL
in the browser yourself (google if necessary) and go that way.
On 15 January 2011 11:08, Carl Clifford <> wrote:
> Laurie,
> All the scammers and hucksters will be out in force in Queensland after the
> floods, as will the fly by night tradies. Might be time to bring back the
> pillory in Qld.
> Carl Clifford
> On 15/01/2011, at 10:59 AM, Laurie Knight wrote:
> G'day
> I've just received the following email, which has also been sent to some
> other Birding-Aus subscribers. It has all the hallmarks of a scam - see
> Regards, Laurie.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Date: 14 January 2011 10:29:10 PM
> Subject: Flood Water In Rockhampthon
>> Reply-To:
>> Funds raised as at 10.20 am, 14 January 2011: $54,636,576 The Queensland
>> Government has launched an appeal to help fellow Queenslanders affected by
>> the recent floods. Many communities have been devastated. Some families have
>> lost everything. You can help make a difference by donating to the Premier's
>> Flood Relief Appeal. The Premier has announced the establishment of a
>> Distribution Committee, a bi-partisan committee including representatives
>> from the Australian Red Cross, to manage the disbursement of the donated
>> funds. At this time, the Queensland Government is inviting financial
>> donations only. Unfortunately this appeal cannot accept donations of goods
>> or services. Please do not turn up directly at the evacuation centres as
>> they are not currently staffed to handle the donations. If you have quality
>> goods or items you can donate them through us, a not-for-profit organisation
>> that provides charities with access to donated goods. Make a donation to the
>> Premier’s Disaster relief appeal using a secure payment through Western
>> Union Money Transfer: Send to Peter Green, C/O Department of the Premier and
>> Cabinet Premiers disaster Relief appeal PO Box 15185 City East QLD 4002
>> May God help you as you donate.
>> Best Regards
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