
Shooting in Vic National Parks

To: jenny spry <>
Subject: Shooting in Vic National Parks
From: Carl Clifford <>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 20:16:02 +1100
Crikey, even the NSW government hasn't tried that, yet. State Forests, yes, but even the NSW Game Council hasn't managed that. Though, if it happens in Vic., it will no doubt happen in NSW.
Carl Clifford

On 02/11/2010, at 6:47 PM, jenny spry wrote:

Hi all,

This is taken from a LNP release on the ABC Yarrawonga area website dated

The Victorian Opposition has promised to set up a new organisation to
represent the interests of hunters and shooters if it wins the state

National party leader Peter Ryan says the Game Management Authority will
ensure firearm and hunting licence fees go towards managing game reserves
and improving pest control.

He says the Coalition will also look at increasing the role shooters play in
controlling pest animals in national parks.

"We believe that for the very, very, very main part the people who are
licensed shooters throughout the state do exercise their rights extremely
responsibly," he said.

"We think there is a very, very great opportunity therefore to enable
Government to work constructively with them in the interests of the
community at large."

I think I might become very, very very worried in a National Park if the LNP win the state election. BUT, on the bright side maybe BOCA and BA can make a
lot of money by selling fluoro vests to birdwatchers.


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