While in no way defending the cull (which I also think is ridiculous), I'd
like to point out that if airlines could avoid bird strikes they would. A
single White Ibis strike on the Gold Coast a few years back was estimated to
have cost Qantas about $3 million dollars, and any strike where a bird is
ingested into engines is heinously expensive, not just in terms of
mechanical repairs, but lost staff and flight time, replacement aircraft,
and reworking logistics. Believe me when I say if this were as simple as
putting money into it, the problem would have been solved years ago.
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Carl Clifford <>wrote:
> Most major bird strikes such as the recent one in New York, don't happen
> within the precincts of an airport, so how do the airlines expect the
> airports to control birds there? I believe there have been bird strikes
> recorded at altitudes of between 6-10,000 metres, and an aircraft has been
> recorded as hitting a Rüppells Vulture at 11,000+ Metres over Africa. I
> think it is about time the airlines faced up to their responsibilities. But
> then they cost money, don't they.
> Carl Clifford
> On 20/06/2009, at 12:41 PM, Stephen Ambrose wrote:
> the major airline companies take an alternative point of
> view. Their view is that they pay the airport authorities a lot of money to
> land, depart and "park" their planes at airports. Therefore, they believe
> it
> is the responsibility of the airports to provide a safe environment
> (air-space around the airport) when planes are taking off or coming into
> land.
> Stephen Ambrose
> Ryde, NSW
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