
Asian hotels

To: Carl Clifford <>
Subject: Asian hotels
From: Alan McBride <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 14:12:26 +1000
The real key is internet booking early, really low cost then.


On 12/06/2009, at 13:27 , Carl Clifford wrote:

Much better prices than any of the options at or near the
International terminal at KUL, and the LCCT is a pain to get to for an early flight.
Thanks for the tip,

Carl Clifford

On 12/06/2009, at 11:56 AM, Alan McBride wrote:

Not meant as an ad at all, simply an alert.

With over 6 hours recently in Kuala Lumpur before an overnight flight to Australia I tried out the Tune Hotel at the LCCT (Low Cost Carrier Terminal, what a sad name for a terminal). Note this is for Air Asia
flights and not MAS or other larger regular airlines. Terminal name
says it all:-)

Sort of Japanese style with small rooms but very well kitted out and
with excellent showers. Tune offer great options for birders,
particularly if you can book in advance. Room rates are incredibly low and while the ‘extra’s’ are a further charge, just like a budget airline, they are brilliant value with prices starting from as low as Malaysian Ringitt 8 through to 80, Roughly $2.00 to $25.00!
Currently in KUL, Kota Kinabalu, Penang and Kuching, more are planned.

Tune Hotels,



Alan McBride, MBO.

Photojournalist | Traveller |  Writer | Birding Guide +
Member: International Travel Writers & Photographers Alliance
                American Writers & Artists Inc.

Good planets are hard to find; until we do, please, be green and read from the screen
Tel:                    + 61 419 414 860
Fax:            + 61 2 9973 2306
Skype:             mcbird101

P O Box 190 | Newport Beach | NSW 2106 | Australia

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