
Are there olive whistlers in the Southern Highlands of NSW?

To: "Lorne Johnson" <>, <>
Subject: Are there olive whistlers in the Southern Highlands of NSW?
From: Helen Horton <>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 17:27:27 +1000
I've seen Olive Whistlers, and made recordings of them (calls) in Deua National Park, west of Moruya (SW of Bateman's Bay.)
Helen Horton

At 07:01 AM 6/11/2008, Lorne Johnson wrote:

Hello bird lovers,

I'm keen to look for olive whistlers in the Southern Highlands of NSW.
I'm not sure if they exist there. Has anyone heard of records from that
area? I think they've been recorded in Morton National Park, in the
south-east section of the region.



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