Hi Barbara,
I have observed this also with magpies and watched them start a nest but
abandon it and start another one. It might be because the location wasn't
quite right but more likely it could be a territorial issue. I have seen
Magpies being swooped while nest building by other Magpies.
Not sure what you are feeding the magpies but I thought you should be aware
that if they are friendly with other people as well in your neighbourhood, they
could be at risk of dog or cat attacks in other homes if they beg there also.
Also the more people that feed them the more of an inbalanced diet they will
likely have and poor nutrition promotes poor egg laying and offspring. The
main dietary problem with feeding wild birds is the lack of calcium in most
foods people feed like bread, mince, steak etc...
I certainly don't want to put you off your interest in birds but I find the
best way to observe is by providing suitable habitat and you will have plenty
of species to enjoy in your own backyard. Birdbaths will also provide great
viewing if you put several around high from yours or a neighbours cat or dogs
Carla Jackett
I have a WIRES bumber sticker which reads "Don't feed wildlife, let nature feed
itself" which I totally agree with.
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