Hi Alan
We'd probably both have a great time if we swapped houses for a week sometime!
Apart from the house list, which can involve a bit of walking, I've got a house
verandah list of 204 spp.
Of course, once you break that down to species seen in any given year it gets a
lot smaller, then smaller again if you're looking at a monthly list, and so on.
There are a few one-offs on there, as I guess there would be on all lists for
any given location.
A few years back, Trevor Ford and I sat on the verandah for an afternoon while
our wives went up to Toowoomba and the dreaded shops. We yarned, shared a
bottle or two, and automatically called out whatever went by or turned up over
the creek or in the garden, as one does. We weren't actively birding, but
towards the end of the afternoon we agreed that we'd seen a lot of birds and
totalled them up, from memory now, to 76 or 79spp. That is the only time I've
ever tallied for a day on the house list.
Birds aside, the great advantage of siting a sitathon or armchair twitch on the
home verandah would be the availability of comfortable chairs, food, coffee,
bathrooms and such!
All the best
> From: > To: > Subject:
> Re: [Birding-Aus] Armchair Twitch Results> Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 13:29:23
> +1000> > > From: "Chris Sanderson"> > Hey Russell,> >> > I think you've still
> got a way to go to catch up with Alan Gillanders' > > house> > list!> I don't
> keep a house list but a Home Block list which includes the area > above the
> house yard and the paddock below the house as far as the far > water's edge
> of the wetland and creek. The tally currently stands at 190.> > I believe
> Bill Jolly does something similar and has a longer list. The > problem is
> being home when the rainforest specialists make a rare visit and > recording
> them. As a mammalian example we have had a tree-roo in the yard > seen by
> neighbours but not by us.> > I am thinking of entering the armchair twitch
> next year. I will set myself > the target of 85 species. Because of the rules
> I may also try to enlist the > largest team. What other categories do you
> think could be developed [of > course give preference to ones you might win]
> to give it a bit more > excitement and incentive.> > Now, what to call my
> team?> > I just looked to the side to see two skinks fighting. The winner was
> > flagging his victory with his tail when he disappeared from my view in a >
> blur. Moments later a Sacred Kingfisher flew out from the veranda with >
> something in its beak. The skink won the battle but not the war. I guess we >
> all lose in the end.> > Regards,> Alan > > ===============================>
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