G'day Ross
The answers to virtually all of your questions can be found in the
Birding Aus archive - http://bioacoustics.cse.unsw.edu.au/birding-aus/
There are three current field guides - all available via bookshops - I
use Pizzey and Knight, but Morecombe and the latest S&D are fine.
Hema probably make the best road maps for the outback, but you can get
free maps for Qld etc if you join the RACQ.
Many birders drive compact 4WDs such as Subaru Foresters - these have
reasonable fuel economy - it really depends on whether you intend to
seriously get off the bitumen.
Regards, Laurie.
On 14/08/2008, at 5:43 AM, wrote:
Hey all,
My name is Ross, and i'm leaving for Australia in about two weeks. I
am currently a student at the University of Pittsburgh and am going
to study abroad at Bond University(Gold Coast) for two semesters.
I'll be in Australia for 8 months and plan on doing lots and lots of
birding. Right now I live in the eastern United States (PA) and i've
been birding pretty much my whole life. I'm sure this listserve will
be hearing alot more from in the upcoming months, but at the moment
I have a few questions. Hopefully some on you will be able to help
me out. I have been looking at this listserve for over a year now
and I know that there are alot of great people on here and they have
alot of good info to share.
1. What is the best bird book you recommend that I get? Currently
the only Australian bird book I own is the Field Guide to Birds of
Australia by Simpson and Day, 6th edition
2. What bird finding/site guides should I get? I have done some
research and it seems that most of the bird finding guides I have
seen are out of print.
3. Is there any good audio CDs out there for Australian birds (like
something similar to the Stokes or Peterson audio CDs in the US)
4. What company makes the best road maps?
5. I am also planning on buying a car when I get to Australia. Is
there any good used car dealerships in the Gold Coast area that
people would recommend/ tips about buying used cars in Aussie that
people could give me. I am probably going to get a 2WD instead of a
4WD cause of price and gas mileage, though I know a 4WD would be
alot better for birding.
Thanks in advance and i'm sure i'll run into some of you alot sooner
than later,
Ross Gallardy,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA (currently)
Robina, QLD (August 27th)
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