
Werribee Visit

To: <>
Subject: Werribee Visit
From: "Isaac Clarey" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 21:35:26 +1000

An enjoyable visit to the Western Treatment Plant today brought quite a few 
good birds. Luckily the rain held off for most of the afternoon so we managed 
to keep ourselves dry. There were plenty of the usual waterbirds around - 
Pink-eared Ducks, massive numbers of Black Swans and the odd Musk Duck or 
Hardhead. Particularly noticeable was the complete notice of Australasian 
Shovellers. None seen at all. Other highlights included a couple of Brolga's 
flying over, Fairy Tern, Cape Barren Geese, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, a group 
of 9 Glossy Ibis and a pair of Banded Stilt. The complete total for the day was 
61 species.

In regards to the Little Stint that had been around a couple of weeks ago, I, 
at one stage, thought I had rediscovered this little beauty. It was only a very 
short view, but a small stint in breeding plumage it was. Most strikingly 
obvious was the amount of white that was around its neck and lores. This was 
what initially led me to believe it to be a Little. A closer look and checking 
of the field guide, then brought me back to earth and the presumption that it 
was just a breeding plumage Red-necked. Unfortunately the little bugger was 
gone and dissappeared in no time, so I can only presume. But, i guess we can 
only hope, so maybe someone will refind it and settle my misidentification.

Cheers, Isaac

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