Hi Wim
I understood you the first time around, your English is great!
Certainly much better than my Norwegian.
On 7/14/08, Wim Vader <> wrote:
> It looks as if I have must expressed myself insufficiently clear in my last
> mail. Of course I know that 'summer' is defined by various metereological
> rules, and not by temperatures, So summer comes every year, regardless of
> the weather, also in Tromsø. The last days we have had virtually 24 hrs of
> sunlight (we still have the midnight sun), so also under that (for me
> somewhat strange definition) we have summer here now.
> My last mail was subjected 'Still no real summer weather in Tromsø', but
> unfortunately the word 'weather' was inadvertently omitted in the heading.
> Sorry about that!! It is 'summer weather' we talk about here in Tromsø when
> the temperature comes above 20'C; this definition is used all over Norway,
> by the way, just as we in this countrytalk about 'tropical nights' when the
> temperature does not sink below 20*C at night---we have had such nights in
> Tromsø too, but very few of them and of course none this summer.
> In reality I suppose what constitutes summer weather depends on what is the
> normal for that particular place. Further south in Europe 'summer
> temperatures' may be those above 25*C, and on Svalbard probably those above
> 8*C! (Just as they told me in Bhutan; 'everything below 5000m a.s.l. we call
> foothills', while here in Tromsø we have mountains of 1200m)
> Another misunderstanding: I never said that the lask of summer weather
> interferes with nesting success of out birds; it does not, although both
> birds and flower are several weeks later than most other years.
> I clearly need to work on my English!
> Wim Vader
> www.birding-aus.org
> birding-aus.blogspot.com
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