
Birds around Brisbane - Banded Lapwings, Superb Blue Wrens, Golden Whist

To: "Chris Corben" <>, "Birding-Aus \(Forum\)" <>
Subject: Birds around Brisbane - Banded Lapwings, Superb Blue Wrens, Golden Whistler etc
From: "russ lamb" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2008 11:46:07 +1000
Re Brisbane Valley sites, the swamp you describe on the way to Lake Clarendon (just after the turn-off from the Gatton-Esk Road) I've always known as Jahnke's Lagoon. Good to hear it is again wet, likewise Lake Clarendon. I think Banded Lapwing are seen fairly regularly in the Valley (Bill Jolley would be the person to confirm). If you're staying in or near the CBD, check out the Peregrine Falcon pair that frequent the lower end of Eagle St, near Felix and Alice Sts. Does anyone know if this is the famous Freedo pair that nested in the CBD a few years back?
Russ Lamb, Maleny, SEQ

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