Hi All
The weather around Airlie has been wild to say the least. I'm at Conway
and have had 650mm in a bit over 24h plus 40kn winds. Today I saw 14
frigate birds which appeared to be a mixture of lesser and greater.
Hard to make out in appalling conditions. 2 Noddies were seen but
unidentifiable due to rain stinging my eyes and wet bins. Last week a
Juv Bridled Tern was dead in the car park at work and on the way home
yesterday a crested tern was sitting on Conway road but flew off when I
stopped so was OK. As Cape Conway is quite large the frigate birds
cannot escape the massive cove of conway beach so have been back and
forth all day. I will scour the beach tomorrow for any other interesting
blow-ins or injured seabirds.
Dan Blunt
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