Is it wrong for me to find humour in people being "on the verge of
mental breakdown" with such things? Getting outclassed by some
cockatoos doesn't bode well for future employment.
On 1/31/08, Carl Clifford <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have been involved in several programs to control birds that have
> become pests, most involving culling. What struck me the most about
> culling was that it was rather like making a fist with your hand,
> pushing the fist into a bucket of water, then withdrawing the fist in
> the expectation of leaving a hole in the water. Yes you can leave a
> hole, but not for very long.
> I have found that the only real solution is to use some method to
> attract the birds away from the affected areas, such as by using
> decoy feeds. Rather like the method used by Orchardists in Orange,
> NSW that Terry Bishop described in his recent post. But with members
> of the Cacatuidae, control can be very, very difficult. I have seen
> people on the verge of a mental breakdown trying to control the
> little darlings.
> Cheers,
> Carl Clifford
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