Greetings again,
A brief report of 2 days birding in South Gippsland in Victoria this week,
centred around Tarra-Bulga NP, Venus Bay, Cape Liptrap and Wilsons Prom.
Sightings of note as follows:
- PILOTBIRD at the beginning of the Ash Track which starts at the Bulga
carpark within the Tarra-Bulga NP.
- SUPERB LYREBIRD in full song and display just across the footbridge from
the Bulga carpark (its favourite mimicry subjects were Yellow-tailed
Black-cockatoos, Satin Bowerbird and Eastern Whipbird). Also a pair of
GANG-GANG COCKATOOS at the carpark.
- OLIVE WHISTLER breeding at the Walkerville Scenic Nature Walk on Cape
- BRUSH BRONZEWING on the Cape Liptrap lighthouse road, followed by several
sightings in the northern section of Wilsons Prom.
- SOUTHERN EMU-WREN and BEAUTIFUL FIRETAIL in saltmarsh habitat off Lees
Road in Venus Bay. Several LATHAM'S SNIPE were also present, while a female
GANG-GANG did a fly-by.
- Nesting BASSIAN THRUSH in Venus Bay.
WHITE-EARED and YELLOW-TUFTED HONEYEATERS along Five Mile Road, northern
heath, Wilsons Prom.
- 71 FRECKLED DUCK at Lake Guyatt, Sale.
I must say I have had the most amazing 2 weeks, from Leeton (Aust and
Little Bitterns in one morning, and a most fun night of bird trivia), the
Terricks Inland Dotterels etc., Ruff et al. at Werribee, the Mallee,
Gippsland and everything in between). Many thanks to those who provided
tips and advice. And a huge thanks to Chris Sanderson, for all his
planning, organisation and trip execution.
Cheers, Pete Kyne
Peter M. Kyne
PhD Candidate
Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology
University of Queensland
St Lucia 4072 QLD
Ph: (07) 3365 2720 or 3365 2944
Fax: (07) 3365 1299
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