Hi race fans and bird nuts,
We will be racing the Victorian thon this weekend, the 11/12 Nov. We had
the main lead up race yesterday: the Melbourne Cup, a race that fades in
significance when compared to the Victorian Twitchathon. We expect
bigger crowds than the Melbourne Cup, despite not having any finish line
this year. Most teams will finish at the Western Treatment Plant (or
there about), so we will have well over a hundred thousand bird
Congratulations to the NSW teams for a fantastic race result,
particularly the Hunter Home Brewers, who scored a NSW record 238, but
also to the unfortunate Whacked-out Woodswallows (235) and Menacing
Monarchs (233). Also congratulations to the NSW champagne winner, the
Crested Shrike Twits (169). These results will make it hard for a
Victorian team to secure top spot in the national competition, but we
will try! Can the bar possibly be raised any higher?! The good thing
however is that the higher NSW totals raises the mean average for NSW
I would also like to point out that this year we will have a
photographic team from Australian Geographic accompanying my team, the
Seven Year Twitcher. The photographs and an associated article on the
thon, to be written by Mr Dooley, will appear in that journal soon.
Finally thanks to Australia Birdfair, being held in sunny downtown
Leeton, for providing sponsorship for this years Victorian thon. The
fair will be held on the weekend after the race from the 15 to 18
November (we did not want to be at cross purposes, such as drawing
crowds away from one another). See http://australianbirdfair.org.au/.
In the last few years the Victorian Twitchathon has raised over thirty
thousand dollars for bird conservation, research and education. This
year we will raise money for the BA Vic Research Grant. Wish us luck.
Tim Dolby
Twitchathon Coordinator
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