I was on the train home yesterday and, as usual, I had a look out the
window as we went over the Nepean, on Victoria Bridge. And I scored!
Just down river, over the weir for thos ethat know it, was a big,
mature White-Bellied Sea-Eagle, being hotly pursued by 3 Aussie
Ravens, loosely pursued by another 3 and a couple of magpies. I've
been observing Ravens a bit at home lately, and make no mistake
they're a big bird. The eagle however, was at least 3 times bigger
across the wings, and twice as long. Also, people talk about the
manouverability of the smaller birds, but the eagle blew the ravens
away. Turning and banking hard, pounding huge wings, it actually left
the ravens behind and made it look effortless. It was a stunning sight
that absolutely made my day.
Evan Beaver
Lapstone, Blue Mountains, NSW
lat=-33.77, lon=150.64
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