Frank O'Connor at 'What Bird is That' is unable to help me in identifying a
little bird that's too timid for me to get close enough to photograph. Here is
what I asked him:
A bird smaller than a sparrow with a yellow stripe each side of the beak
where the eyes are, has been at my place for about four weeks. There is also
some yellow on the wings or back. If it has a tail, it is quite short.
This morning I saw it up close but have no photo as it gets away before I
have a chance to photograph it.
It has a short three 'chirp' call, high pitched and is heard each day.
I am in Central Victoria at Maryborough.
Any idea what it could be please? It's not a spotted pardalote.
From Nelma Burns
Frank O'Connor Birding WA
Phone : (08) 9386 5694 Email :
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