Yesterday I was teaching in Atherton. Not by design I was without binoculars
but still had a great raptor day.
Before I had left the village of Yungaburra a pair of Bazas flew across the
road. Near the Curtain fig turn off was a male Grey Goshawk sitting on a
power line. After crossing the Barron River I saw Black Kites and a Spotted
Harrier near the strawberry farm at Marks Lane. On the dry gully coming down
the NE face of Hallorans Hill was a Square-tailed Kite.
After work I visited a friend in Tolga where we saw a Brown Falcon which did
the short hovering that they occasionally perform. Missed the Kestrels which
are usually about her paddocks but did see Black-shouldered Kite.
In almost the same spot as the Spotted Harrier had been in the morning there
was a Swamp Harrier on my way home. A Pair of Wedge-tailed Eagles finished
off the day for raptors as I drove through the Seven Sisters (cinder cones)
west of Yungaburra.
Alan Gillanders
Alan's Wildlife Tours
2 Mather Road
Yungaburra 4884
Phone 07 4095 3784
Int. + 61 7 4095 3784
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