
RFI - Lakefield National Park and Surrounds

Subject: RFI - Lakefield National Park and Surrounds
From: Peter Kyne <>
Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 16:54:22 +1000
Dear BA community,

A friend and I are setting off on a North Queensland trip in 2 weeks time. Plan to head as far north as Musgrave (for Golden-shouldered Parrots) and into Lakefield. At this point, only the southern section of Lakefield is open, so hoping that in the next two weeks the northern roads are accessible.
Information welcome on any of the following (sorry to ask so many questions 
at once):
1. Any further details on Golden-shouldered Parrots other than the Thomas 
and Thomas site? Thomas and Thomas mention Artemis Station and its owners, 
the Shephards. Does anyone know if they take wayward birders under their 
wing or provide GSP location details?
2. The BA archives suggest the occasional occurrence of Palm Cockatoo in 
northern Lakefield (Saltwater Creek). Anyone know of possible sites worth 
checking for this species in the Lakefield area? I understand this is a 
long shot, but without the ability to get to Iron Range this year, we want 
to check any suitable habitat.
3. Can anyone recommend areas of nice gallery rainforest in the northern 
section of Lakefield?
4. Zitting Cisticola? Can anyone provide details of sites in Lakefield or 
surrounds, or around Townsville (Giru?)? Are these easy to locate?
5. On the Birds Queensland website on the 12th April, there was a report of 
Pictorella Mannikin at Toupan Lagoon, south of Townsville by B. Venables 
and G. Snell. Can anyone provide any further details on this or the species 
in general in North Queensland?
6. Is it pointless to ask about Red Goshawks?!

Any general advise or tips on Lakefield and surrounds would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks everyone and I hope that everyone's weekends are full of exciting finds.

Cheers, Pete Kyne
Brisbane, Qld

Peter M. Kyne

PhD Candidate
Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology
University of Queensland
St Lucia 4072 QLD
Ph: (07) 3365 2720 or 3365 2944
Fax: (07) 3365 1299


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