A good coating of mud works well as my Aboriginal relatives will attest.
Denise Lawungkurr Goodfellow
1/7 Songlark Street
Ph. 61 08 89 328306
> http://www.earthfoot.org
> http://www.mcguire-spickard.com/baby_dreaming/
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/baby-dreaming
> http://www.ausbird.com
On 26/3/07 12:10 PM, "michael hunter" <> wrote:
> High-concentration ("tropical-strength") insect repellent generously
> applied to hair, flesh, clothes and socks kept out the leeches in Taman
> Negara and the Fraser's Hill when we were there, not a single attachment
> despite hours on jungle tracks, but they might try their luck on your boots.
> It's very hot there, even ladies perspire, it rains, and the repellant
> washes off, so re-apply frequently.
> This has also worked for mosquitoes and ticks whenever we venture into the
> tropics or mangroves.
> We also wear permethrin soaked clothes, have sleeves down and tuck
> trousers into socks, which seems to make a big difference as well.
> Perhaps be careful with repellents on your binoculars.
> Cheers
> Michael
> Michael Hunter
> Mulgoa Valley
> 50km west of Sydney Harbour Bridge
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