G'day Eric, I cycle in nearby Centennial Park every morning and can
always count on seeing (and HEARING!!!) a flock of up to about (rough
estimate) 100....no expert but thought these ones were long bills as
they certainly take great delight in digging up things in the park
(with their beaks) to the point of surely being a nuisance to the
gardening staff -earlier this week I watched them chewing and
digging away in the rose garden!
These birds are very "quiet" and will let you ride right up to within
about 1.5 to 2 metres of them so you can observe their digging
activities close up. There's a rock concert on in Centennial Park
tomorrow...hope the Corellas cope with all that man-made noise.
Brad Crowe
At 06:21 PM 15/02/2007, you wrote:
A decent sized flock of corellas has been present in inner city Sydney
around Redfern, Newtown, Glebe etc for the past 6 weeks or so and seems
to be attracting additional numbers. Initially there were small groups
of 8-20 birds, but in the past 2 weeks I've been seeing numbers up to 65
on 11/2. Although these birds now turn up all over Sydney, this is the
first time in 4 years of living in this area that I have had almost
daily sightings around Redfern/Central and in these numbers. All of
those I had good views of to date have been Littles, but often they are
not clearly visible enough to seek out any Long-bills in the crowd.
Eric Finley
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