My understanding is that BARC submissions are sometimes/often a long
time coming - over a year in some instances. [Possibly because the
authors dot each i three times etc to reduce the likelihood of their
submission failing to convince the jury].
Regards, Laurie.
On Wednesday, February 14, 2007, at 06:01 PM, Robert Inglis wrote:
In response to my query concerning the 'confirmation' status of the SA
American Golden Plover, Bill Ramsay, Unusual Sightings Co-ordinator,
Bird Observers Club of Australia, said (Tue, 13 Feb 2007 18:52:28
"The note on page 846-2 of The Bird Observer re the cover picture of a
American Golden Plover is a condensed version of the note on page
846-21. The
sentence "Detailed field notes and photographs of the juvenile bird
invaluable in confirming its identification" referred to the sighting
of a
juvenile American Golden Plover by Dion Hobcroft at Byron Bay, NSW on 8
November 1994, a BARC accepted record, as per the note on page 846-21.
fact was omitted in the cover note, and unfortunately without the full
the cover note is incorrect.
My understanding is that BARC has not received a submission on the Dry
Saltfields American Golden Plover to date."
Thank you, Bill.
This is actually the conclusion which I had come to, so, it is good to
have that confirmed (shudder).
Words and writing are the most wonderful inventions yet made by human
beings (nearly said "man" [another shudder]) but it is so easy to
create the wrong impression with loose use of them.
(Of course, I have never done that!)
It is interesting, though, that you say you understand that BARC has
not received a submission.
It was my understanding that BARC had received a submission.
Perhaps my "understanding" was really only "assumption".
Bob Inglis
Sandstone Point
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