Dear all
I've been observing my local pack of Satin Bowerbirds that visit the
back garden on and off. For the last 12 months or so, a Black male has
been absent from the site of his bower in the patch of trees over the
lane at the end and I guess he met a sudden ending. Over the summer
various green birds have been displaying and making noises like fully
black males, and displaying to females on the ground and up in the
trees, but until today none have shown any black feathers.
Today there was a tremendous amount of buzzing and churring in the
mulberry tree, from which flew what I presume is a female with a
juvenile (very gingery around lower face and with buff tips to coverts,
following the female making begging noises), followed by a male in a
most scruffy plumage of black splatters, brown and black wing coverts,
primaries and retrices, black head and bone coloured bill. Got some
rather bad photos of him - usually with part of body hidden by leaves.
Two days ago I saw a younger male with bone coloured bill but no black
feathers and he was also around today.
There seems a lot of courting type behaviour for late summer. Maybe it's
because of the rain.
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