
American Golden Plover near Adelaide confirmed or not?

To: "birding-aus" <>
Subject: American Golden Plover near Adelaide confirmed or not?
From: "Robert Inglis" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 15:21:28 +1000
I am confused over the confirmation status of the alleged juvenile American Golden Plover (pluvialis dominica) observed by Colin Rogers at Dry Creek Saltfields, 15 km north of Adelaide on 20 th November 2006.
A photo of this bird has been used on the cover of the February 2007 edition of 
The Bird Observer.
The associated caption on Page 2 states: "A juvenile American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica, subject to BARC review, was first observed by Colin Rogers at Dry Creek Saltfields, 15 km north of Adelaide on 20 November 2007.". It then goes on to state: "Detailed field notes and photographs were invaluable in confirming its identification.". Even allowing for a degree of ambiguity between the two statements, the obvious meaning is that there has been confirmation of the identification.
The same two statements are repeated on Page 21 of that publication, however, the following 
statement is also made on page 21: "The Adelaide American Golden Plover has been extensively 
photographed which should assist BARC in making a decision.".
So, has the identification of this bird as an American Golden Plover been 
confirmed or not?

Please note: I am making no judgement on the identification of the bird in 
From what I understand about this particular species (even accepting that there is such a species
and there seems to be a strong case that there is) it would not be within my capabilities to make an identification one way or the other from the few photos of this bird that I have seen. I am quite happy to accept the judgement of people with a reasonable amount of experience with American Golden Plovers.
My query is purely from the point of view of accuracy in reporting.


Bob Inglis
Sandstone Point
Qld Australia


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