Dear Birders,
This email will concern anyone who visits or plans to visit the
Capertee Valley and who values peaceful places and the natural
soundscape. The helicopter saga has again reared its ugly head!
Some of you will remember early in 2005, a proposal was made to build
a heliport at Capertee for the purpose of operating regular joy
flights over the Capertee Valley and other surrounding areas. As this
would pose a threat to the peace, tranquility and enjoyment of
birding in this very special area, many birdwatchers responded with
letters of objection to Lithgow Council while some birding and other
environment groups spent considerable time and energy putting
together detailed submissions. In December 2005 Lithgow Councillors
resolved unanimously to reject the application. There can be no doubt
that the outcry from birdwatchers, who represent an established and
increasing source of tourism dollars for the local community, played
a large part in this decision.
We all thought that was the end of it, but early last month the same
developer submitted another development application (DA 319/06). From
what I understand it is virtually the same as the previous
application, except that a larger helicopter is proposed (Bell 47
instead of the smaller Robinson 2 door). Some more details:
* More than 60 movements (30 flights) per week are proposed (i.e.
uncapped number of flights).
* Hours of operation to be 7.00am - 6.00pm Monday - Saturday and
8.00am - 6.00pm on Sundays and Public Holidays. But flights may occur
at other times.
* Proposed minimum altitude of flights to be 500ft above ground level
(which in the valley is well below the level of the surrounding
cliffs), and lower in some cases, e.g. for taxi service.
If you are concerned by this proposal, please take a few minutes to
write a letter to Lithgow City Council General Manager, Paul
Anderson, with copies to all Councillors (see addresses below). Mark
clearly as referring to DA 319/06. It's important to outline the
reason(s) why you object to the heliport and its proposed joy-flights
(masquerading in the new EIS as "charter flights"). CLOSING DATE FOR
The full EIS can be downloaded from Lithgow City Council's website at:
Many of you are already aware of the valley's significance as habitat
for woodland birds, including at least 18 threatened species. It's
the most important breeding area for the Regent Honeyeater and has
been nominated as an IBA (Important Bird Area). The proposed joy
flights will also impact on the surrounding Greater Blue Mountains
World Heritage Area. If you need more information on the Capertee
Valley and its birds, see my website:
For further information or to join Capertee Valley Environment Group,
contact Veronica on email
See below for addresses to send letters. Thanks for reading this far,
and thanks in advance for responding and helping to preserve our
peaceful valley and the enjoyment of birding there.
Carol Probets
Capertee Valley/Blue Mountains NSW
Paul Anderson, General Manager
Lithgow City Council
180 Mort Street
Lithgow NSW 2790
(Mark attention of General Manager)
Please send copies to G.L.C.C. Councillors
Mayor Cr Neville Castle <>
Deputy Mayor, Cr Barbara Moran <>
Cr Margaret Collins <>
Cr Michael Wilson <>
Cr Martin Ticehurst <>
Cr Wayne McAndrew <>
Cr Howard Fisher <>
Cr Brian Morrissey <>
Cr Ann Thompson <>
The Hon. Sandra Nori, MP
Minister for Tourism and Sport and Recreation
The Hon. Frank Sartor, MP
Minister for Planning
Mr Gerard Martin M.P.
Member for Bathurst
The Hon Bob Debus, MP
Minister for the Environment
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