Follow That Bird Tours held an outing to Lake Macquarie Shire on 3 February
2007 on a warm sunny day, beginning at Cooranbong where we stopped at a
small wetland beside the road about 2 km SE of the town. Amongst the birds
here were a pair of Black-fronted Dotterels and great daylight views of a
pair of Latham's Snipe, skulking amongst the juncus tussocks at the waters
edge. A White-necked Heron was stalking in an adjoining paddock, and 3 Pied
Butcherbirds were carolling from a tall dead tree overlooking the wetland!
We then made our way up into the Wattagan Mountains, making our first stop
at Gap Creek picnic area within Wattagan National Park. The day had warmed
up, generally the area was quite dry but the rainforest here was relatively
quiet and the cicadas which have been very noisy over summer were somewhat
subdued! However Rufous Fantails were readily located and one p[air were
found to be feeding 2 young. Wonga Pigeons & Brown Cuckoo-Doves were
calling, good views were had of a number of Large-billed Scrub-wrens who
were also seen to feed their dependent young and a Lyrebird gave a prolonged
call close to us but was not seen. Other birds present included Satin
Bowerbirds,Yellow-throated & White-browed Scrub-wrens, Eastern Yellow Robin
and Mistletoebird.
We wound our way further up the mountain and lunched at the Pinus Radiata
Plantation picnic area within the State Forest. There was very little water
in the creek which is most unusual and demonstrates just how dry things are
and the birds were quiet. However once again Large-billed Scrub-wrens and
Black-faced Monarchs were found each feeding one young, a lone Bassian
Thrush was seen flying low through the Pine plantation, Golden & Rufous
Whistlers were found in the native vegetation along the creek, and Eastern
Spinebill, Brown Gerygone, Grey Fantail & Spinebills were seen,
White-throated Treecreepers search the trunks of the Pine Trees and
White-browed Scrub-wrens fed on the forest floor amongst the pine needles.
We then retreated from the Mountains and headed to Wood Point, on the
western shores of Lake Macquarie, within Lake Macquarie State Conservation
area. Once again, a small dam close to the road provided much excitement
when it was found to have another 2 Latham's Snipe, proving good views.
Other birds here included Clamorous Reedwarblers, Swamphens with 1 juvenile,
and White-breasted Woodswallows hawked overhead. In the Forest Red Gums,
were Rainbow, Scaly and Musk Lorikeets, the latter appeared to be feeding on
lerps. Sacred Kingfisher, Superb & Variegated Fairy-wren, Eastern Rosella,
Willie Wagtail, were some of the woodland birds present. Yellow & Brown
Thornbills were feeding in the Swamp Oaks fringing the Lake, where 2
Fan-tailed Cuckoos were located, and there were a number of Yellow-faced &
Lewin's Honeyeaters. Along the estuary, lined with mangroves, were Little
Pied Cormorant, Chestnut Teal, Masked Lapwings and Pelicans. Other birds
present included Yellow Robin, Grey Butcherbird & Golden Whistler. Overall
66 species were seen on the day. Most of the company knew each other so that
there was much socialising and celebrations too for driver Chris, who on
last Australia Day, became an Australian citizen at a ceremony at Wyong
Alan Morris
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