Jen and I were out early to try and beat the forecast extreme temperatures. We
were keen to follow up reports of Beautiful Firetail and a 'tame' Spotted Quail
Thrush at Dyers Creek. Arriving at 7.30am it was clear we were up before the
birds! A cup of tea and a walk later, we returned and were delighted to find a
pair of Beautiful Firetail hugging the creekline at the rear of the picnic
ground. The SQT remained aloof and over another cuppa we discussed whether it
should be awarded myth status. Our departure was hastened by the arrival of the
motorbike brigade in force. After a short trip to check out the local
campground we returned past the picnic ground in time to see the arrival of the
Billings family. Braking hurriedly for a chat we were in the midst of telling
them about the firetails and the non-existent SQT when there it was! In the
shadows, along a drain, it was out in the open lawn and remained while 5 ardent
birders stalked ever closer, young girls played with remote control 4WD's and
milling picnicers and motorbikers disturbed the peace that had been ours
earlier. It obviously prefers a crowd.
Leaving the Billings seeking the Beautiful Firetail and the SQT still in the
open we went in search of more peace and quiet on the Buttongrass Nature Trail.
The highlight was a Painted Button-quail providing excellent views as it stayed
to the path and tried to walk away from us for about 200 metres. Another
surprise for us in this area were several Noisy Friarbird. All in all, a good
day, picking up 3 birds that were not on last years 300+ state list (despite
numerous searches) and we were home before it got unbearably hot.
Can't ask for more.
Joy Tansey
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