
Royal National Park, Sydney

To: "Peter Madvig" <>
Subject: Royal National Park, Sydney
From: "Brian Everingham" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 15:21:08 +1100
Yes, there is every chance that the myth was what you thought. That's about
the view I always get. They are there. Enough views later and I can verify a
lot of chestnut tailed rumps!

By the way, there are regular sightings of Peregrine Falcons on the
coastline along from Eagle Rock.

Stick to Leaden Flycatcher. That's the only ne I've heard there on a regular

And there are also regular sightings of Australian Ground Thrush and Crested
Shrike Tit in Wattle Flat.


On 09/01/07, Peter Madvig <> wrote:

Hello birders,

Chestnut-rumped Heathwrens are a Myth!!!!  :-)  At least in Ku-rin-gai and

Having got that off my chest, I had a lovely birding day in Royal National
Park (as one does) on 5/1.
Among others:-
At Wattamolla: Tawny-crowned H-E, Rock Warbler, Variegated Wren, Nankeen
Kestrel, Eastern Whip-bird, and...... possibly, the Myth darting away?!

Mount Bass fire trail (in between walks listening to the final throes of
the Ashes!):
Red - and Little Wattlebirds, more Variegated Wrens, Southern Emu-wren,
Beautiful Firetail.

Audley/Wattle Forrest: Eastern Spinebill, group of Varied Sittella, a
calling Superb Lyrebird with his magnificent tail, and a male Satin
Bowerbird near his bower, which was decorated with the usual blues AND many,
yellow crest feathers from Sulphur-crested Cockatoos!!? (Likes his colours

Lady Carrington Drive: Wonga Pigeon, the 2 Whistlers, Superb Blue Wren,
Varied Sittella, White-throated Treecreeper, Sacred Kingfisher, AND, a
loudly calling, juvenile Olive-backed Oriole, which was finally fed by a
parent bird with a wildly struggling Cicada!! - while they, at the same
time, were being harassed by a very persistent Leaden Flycatcher pair (I'm
tempted to say Satin... very dark male)!!!?? Are Orioles nest-raiders?????

Peter Madvig

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