Was having a quick flick through my copy of HBW11 (turned up today after
originally being sent to the wrong address) and came across an interesting
photo on page 405. The photograph is of a Western Gerygone at the nest the
same photo as an the Reader's Digest Complete Birds of Australia. This was
not the first photo I had recognised (a few of the photos of Monarchs and
Fantails are from this same book, or from a couple of books on PNG that I
have). The problem with this photo is that the species in question is
supposed to be the White-tailed Warbler a rare species from West Africa
(which sounds like it makes a similar style nest to the one shown in the
photo). Unfortunately this photo is listed in Reader's Digest under the same
name (which was the old name before Gerygone was used commonly). Another
example of where common names (ie all the Robins, Flycatchers, Wrens and
Warblers) have caused confusion.
Otherwise, as usual an excellent publication, and well worth the money.
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