A couple of new Little Terns this morning (1 not banded, 1 banded and flagged)
and at least 3 new non-breeding Whiskered Terns. Knots and RN Stint absent.
Penrhyn am (on the spit - 1hr after high tide)
47 BTG
0 Red Knot (6 Tuesday)
2 Sharpies
2 Curlew Sandpiper
37 Crested Tern
13 Whiskered Tern - 10 breeding, 3 non-breeding (0 Tuesday)
1 WF Tern
2 Little Tern
0 RN Stint (15 Tuesday)
Over 400 Silver Gulls.
There was a big 'boil' happening in the bay - Crested Terns, Silver Gulls and
Whiskered Terns all fishing quite successfully.
Birds banded/flagged
0 Red Knot
0 RN Stint
NEW 1 Little Tern...
1st Little Tern No bands or flags
2nd Left White flag over Tiffany aquamarine flag
Right Aquamarine flag over grey metal band
If anyone's going down for the Little Bittern at Eastlakes I'll see you there
(probably after 5.30pm).
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