
Square tailed kites and noisy Miners

Subject: Square tailed kites and noisy Miners
From: David <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 22:29:39 +1000
Went to Daisy Hill National Park on Brisbanes southern outskirts today. A pair of Square-tailed Kites are nesting in a tall gum near the Koala Centre, with at least one fledgling seen on the nest. One of the adult birds was on a branch beside the nest and was constantly harrassed by a magpie and a currawong.
A Tawny Frogmouth with two fluffy chicks is also in a tree nearby.

I also observed some unusual behaviour of Noisy Miners. It was a very hot afternoon and I watched three Noisy Miners all "prostrate' on the gravel. One would almost think they were injured as they all lay out flat - one in particular for some time and allowed me to get very close before he flew. I did see some others taking a dust bath at a different spot, but this behaviour appeared different as they lay quite still and were not in dust or dirt. Any thought on why they may do this - it almost appeared they were sun baking!

David Taylor

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